The whole globe
Will legend or spy
join next?
Motives become
Captain America;
Steve Rogers
Goliath; Henry
“Hank” Pym
Hawkeye; Clint
Pietro Maximoff
Scarlet Witch;
Wanda Maximoff
Wasp; Janet Van
Featured allies:
Black Widow;
Natasha Romanoff
Hercules; Heracles
a brief hiatus, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch return to the team. Not much is
said about why a visit to their homeland returns their powers here, but it may
just be that Roy Thomas, the new writer wanted to bring them back after Stan
Lee wanted to put them on the back burner. Their homeland of Transia contains
the mysterious Mount Wundagore which figures heavily into the twins' origins. A few writers later, it's revealed that the power loss was caused by a mystical entity, Chthon, who wanted to lure Scarlet Witch back to Wundagore so Chthon could enslave her. Because Quicksilver was there as an emotional support, Chthon failed in this and gave up, and their powers returned.
Thomas also brought the Olympian demigod Hercules into the series. He fits
nicely into the Thor mold and is even banished from his otherworldly realm by
his father, the king of his pantheon of gods. This mirrors Thor’s story as well
as some of his abilities. Of course, Hercules did not have his own series to
deal with, so he could fit seamlessly into the action with less worry.
is shown to still have some interest in his scientific work as well as
superheroics. He is finally able to do something other than worry about his own
body and takes an interest in the android Dragon Man. He still manages to wear
his Goliath outfit in his lab, so he’s definitely portrayed as Avenger first,
scientist second. He is renowned enough that Diablo kidnaps him for his help
with his evil plots.
love story between Hawkeye and Black Widow is central to this group of stories.
She has fully reformed and is helpful to the Avengers, but the older members
are resistant to letting in yet another reformed villain. This causes friction with her main booster,
Hawkeye. When she takes on a mission from SHIELD and appears to have defected
back to “the East” again, Hawkeye never loses faith in her and drives the
Avengers’ actions in his quest to find the truth and bring her home.
Thomas continues the stories’ format much in the same way Stan Lee had been
writing the series for the past year. He used many villains already created by
Stan Lee here or in Fantastic Four and Thor, but he did create a few new
characters. Unfortunately, of the Ultroids, Ixar, and the Triumvirate of
Terror, none of these characters were seen again. He also created the Red
Guardian, and that code name and concept has seen use over the years, even if
Thomas killed off his first Red Guardian himself almost immediately.
Avengers 35
The Light That
December, 1966
Written by Roy
Art by Don Heck
The Living Laser absconds with Wasp and leaves Captain
America and Hawkeye to die, but the heroes escape with the aid of Goliath. The
Laser contacts a group of rebels from the South American country of Costa
Verde. They hire him to destroy the army of the current regime in that country,
and the Living Laser is able to do so with his powerful laser. He sets himself
up as ruler of Costa Verde. The Avengers hear the news and travel there to his
new castle headquarters, but they are all captured. Goliath had used a
“molecular space transformer” on himself before the mission, and he hopes it
will return his size-changing ability. He is able to shrink free and locate a
large laser cannon that has been set up to kill the Avengers. He sabotages it
to explode, and the Living Laser is defeated. Democracy-minded remnants of the
national army set up a new government, and the Laser is put under a doctor’s
care for his mental issues.
Hawkeye: “I was just thinking about all these classy
go-buggies that Tony Stark keeps turnin’ out for us! No wonder you don’t read
much about him goin’ to the Playboy Club any more!”
This is the first issue written by Roy Thomas.
Roy was a high school English teacher who edited a fan publication covering comic books. He eventually
got a job working in the Marvel office after working at DC comics for only
eight days. He went on to later be Editor-in-chief of Marvel and has written a
plethora of comic series for several publishers. He was recently inducted into
the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in 2011.
Captain America’s shield is destroyed by lasers
on page 2, but by page 8, he is fighting with a shield again, and no mention is
made of it. In later years, it was retroactively stated that Tony Stark would
borrow Cap’s legendary shield for analysis and would loan him steel replicas in
the meantime.
Hawkeye calls Costa Verdan soldiers “Rover
Boys.” This is referring to a series of children’s novels written from 1899 to
1926 that were set at a military boarding school and featured heroic, if
mischievous boys.
The country of Costa Verde is the birthplace of
future reserve Avenger Silverclaw.
Roy Thomas continues to use exclamation points
for all the dialogue, just like Stan.
Avengers 36
The Ultroids
January, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by Don Heck
The Scarlet Witch returns to the Mansion. She tells them
that the trip to their homeland did return their powers, and she relates a tale
of how Quicksilver was captured investigating an alien craft. The Avengers
travel to Transia to rescue him, but find the entire village is surrounded by a
force field. They enter caves under the town to infiltrate the alien
headquarters and find a way in, but Scarlet Witch reveals herself to be an
imposter. The alien leader Ixar wants to take the Avengers’ powers and place
them in his automatons called Ultroids. Wasp tries to free the captured
siblings, but she is stunned in the attempt. The other Avengers fall in battle
and are captured.
Ultroid: “It is the giant earthman…the one they call
Hawkeye: “Well, how d’ya like that! Him they recognize…me
they just call ‘earthling’! That settles it…I’m just gonna have to get a new
press agent!”
Before the events in this issue, Professor X
asked Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to join the X-Men, but they said they were
loyal to the Avengers.
Although the Black Widow is not allowed to
become a member, she does accompany the Avengers on their mission.
Hawkeye mistakenly calls Captain America
“web-head” instead of “wing-head.” This is one of Spider-Man’s nicknames.
The village that this story takes place in is
the same one that ejected Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in X-Men 4 for being demons. Their hospitality is to make up for this
past offense, now that they know they are heroes.
The country of Transia is the birthplace of
Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch and will be the scene of many future
adventures and revelations about their backgrounds.
The imposter Ultroid is female in design and has
the name Ultrana. That’s pretty close to Ultron and may have inspired Goliath
or Roy Thomas when creating this future character.
Avengers 37
To Conquer a
February, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by Don Heck
Ultrana tells how her master Ixar is the last survivor of
one side of an interstellar war. At the end of the war, both sides had all died
out except for their leaders and the two armies of Ultroids. Ixar seeks to gain
the advantage by empowering his army with the Avengers’ abilities. Goliath’s
prison is based on his current large size, and since Quicksilver and Scarlet
Witch did not know about Goliath regaining his size-changing power, the prison
is not set to prevent his shrinking out. Once Goliath frees the others, they
engage in battle with the Ultroids. Ixar reveals that the burgomeister (sic) of
the village is also a hostage and will be harmed if the Avengers continue to
battle, so the Avengers surrender. Ixar combines the energies of the Ultroids
into one giant body, and the battle begins anew. The last to avoid capture are
Hawkeye and Black Widow. Hawkeye has guessed that the burgomeister is truly
Ixar in disguise and threatens him. The now revealed Ixar knows of the
Avengers’ oath to not take a life, so Hawkeye’s bluff fails. Black Widow
convinces Ixar that she has taken no such oath and will kill him. Ixar
surrenders and leaves the planet with hopes of finding power for his troops
Wasp: “That was my Wasp’s sting, Two-Ton…and I’m glad you
noticed! When a girl’s only a couple of inches tall, she appreciates attention
from anybody!”
Ixar, to Hawkeye: “You dare challenge me—you, who are the
weakest of all?”
Hawkeye: “You really know how to hurt a guy, don’tcha?”
This seems to be the last appearance of Ixar and
his Ultroids.
This issue and the next feature covers drawn by
artist Gil Kane. An original cover was also done by interior artist Don Heck,
but it was rejected. Avengers stories were reprinted later in a series called Marvel Triple Action, which usually
reprinted the old covers. For this story, Jack Kirby drew yet another cover.
Avengers 38
In Our Midst…an
March, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by Don Heck
and George Roussos
Black Widow is subjected to sleeping gas and kidnapped by
SHIELD, who offers her a mission. We see Hercules in Olympus fighting Ares, but
Enchantress intervenes and offers both combatants mead. Hercules’ drink is
infused with waters of Eros, and he falls in love with Enchantress. At the
Avengers meeting, Black Widow is late. Hawkeye proposes her for membership, but
Goliath is resistant. Black Widow arrives and says she is leaving to return to
the Far East. Since her mission is
classified, she is brusque in giving details and leaves. After this tension,
Hawkeye and Wasp leave the mansion.
Enchantress chooses this moment to attack with the enthralled Hercules.
The three remaining members are defeated, but Wasp and Hawkeye return. Hawkeye
uses a sulfur arrow, and it turns out this substance clears the effects of the
water of Eros, freeing Hercules, and Enchantress retreats. This journey to the
Earth was forbidden to Olympians, so Zeus banishes Hercules to Earth for one
Quicksilver: “Who would not wish to be host to…Hercules?”
Hawkeye: “Personally, I’ll bet at midnight he turns into
Steve Reeves!”
![]() |
Not a stretch? |
This is the first appearance in Avengers of future Avengers Hercules and
Ares. Ares will remain a villain for a long time and not join until far in the
· The credited inker George Bell is a pseudonym for George Roussos.
He will use it until Avengers Special
1. When he returns to the series with issue
92, he will use the George Roussos name.
The sleeping gas used on the Black Widow is
called Morpheus Mist. Morpheus is the Greek god of dreams. It’s a coincidence
that SHIELD would use a Greek-named weapon just before the arrival of a Greek
demigod to the series.
At this time, SHIELD stood for Supreme Headquarters, International
Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division.
Captain America is missing from the Avengers
meeting because he was lured away by a message from the Red Skull, who impersonated
Bucky using a robot.
Enchantress passes up an opportunity to attack
Hercules after he is freed from her control. She thinks she may be falling in
love with him. She will still be pining over him in the Avengers Special 1.
Although Hercules and Black Widow do not meet in
this issue, they will both later go on to form the hero group the Champions of
Los Angeles together.
Avengers 39
The Torment…and
the Triumph!
April, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by Don Heck
and Frank Giacoia
The news reports that Black Widow stole classified
secrets before she left the country. Hawkeye tries to find his old underworld
contacts for information. The Thinker plans to incapacitate the Avengers so he
can get to Tony Stark’s inventions and intimidate the Fantastic Four. Since
Captain America is still away, the Thinker chooses this moment to strike.
Hawkeye is captured by the Thinker’s agent, Hammerhead. When Goliath and Wasp
respond to a summons, another minion, Piledriver, defeats them. Thunderboot and
the Thinker defeat Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch at the mansion. Before
they can be taken away, Hercules shows up and frees the Avengers, who defeat
the whole group. The Thinker retreats, and the so-called Triumvirate of Terror
are arrested.
Goliath: “We always wondered why Thor seemed so aloof…so
distant! And now, at last, perhaps we know! How lonely it must feel to be a
god…destined to walk among mere mortals!”
In this issue, Black Widow uses her suction
shoes to walk on walls. This is part of her normal equipment, but she seems to rarely
use them.
Hercules is given the name Mr. Powers to receive
deliveries at the mansion. One of his nicknames is the Prince of Power.
The costumes of the villains are derided as
being “straight outta Pop-Artsville.” Stan Lee had tried to retitle Marvel “Pop
Art Productions,” but changed his mind about it.
The Avengers mention a “condition blue,” which
means that specifically only two Avengers should respond to an emergency call.
The villain calls himself the Thinker. Most
adversaries call him the Mad Thinker, which he dislikes. He doesn’t think he’s
mad at all.
One of the Triumvirate of Terror is Thunderboot.
That is not a typo for “Thunderbolt.” He really uses enhanced boots as weapons.
The three henchmen are never seen again. The
Piledriver here is unrelated to the member of the Wrecking Crew that will have the
same name.
Hercules proves he is well-rounded by playing a
guitar and singing a song. About himself and his famous labors, of course.
Irving Forbush returns to the credit box, this
issue as a dog-catcher.
Avengers 40
Suddenly the
May, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by Don Heck
and George Roussos
After the battle last issue, Scarlet Witch faints from
exertion. The team gets a message from Captain America that the Red Skull is
searching for a powerful item called the Cosmic Cube. Quicksilver remains
behind to watch over Scarlet Witch, and Hercules goes with the team to search
in the Caribbean. Meanwhile, Namor sees an American submarine testing its
weapons and traps the sub. He finds its home base and gets ready to attack it
when the Avengers arrive in their search. While Namor battles Hercules,
Hercules mentions the Cosmic Cube, thinking Namor is also there to find it.
Intrigued, Namor retreats and successfully finds it at the bottom of the sea.
He returns to attack with his new weapon, but he transforms it into a necklace
to avoid drawing attention to it. Namor uses its power to create an
Amalga-beast to battle the Avengers while he takes on Hercules one-on-one.
Namor has honor, so he only uses the Cosmic Cube to keep himself fully hydrated
on land. Wasp figures out the necklace may be the Cube and uses her sting to
separate it from Namor. It reverts to its cube form and falls into a crevice,
lost to the surface world again.
Goliath: “I, for one, was just recalling how you used to
be Cap’s self-appointed gadfly! Now you act like a charter member of his fan
Hawkeye: “Let’s just say my eyesight’s improved, big
Wasp, of Namor: “Strange…we fought him…but, I can’t
believe he is truly evil!”
Hawkeye: “Sure, sure…he’s a regular pussycat!”
When cleaning up the mansion, the Avengers
mention their disintegrator disposal unit for trash. Yet this amazing
technology is never used for weaponry.
When Captain America sends his message, he had
been said in the press to be a traitor working with the Red Skull. Cap did agree
to do so for 24 hours in order to rescue Manhattan Island. This is seen in Tales of Suspense 90.
There is no island of Puerto Nuevo in the real
world, but it is the name of a section of San Juan in Puerto Rico.
The Cosmic Cube is shown to fall into the Mole
Man’s realm. The Mole Man does not know what it is and throws it away.
This Cosmic Cube is actually one of many
throughout the universe. They allow the possessor to do anything he or she
wishes. This Cube will eventually evolve into a sentient being known as Kubik
in later Avengers stories.
Although it is called the “Tessaract” in the
Marvel Cinematic Universe, the cubic appearance of the item at the heart of the
Avengers film hints that that is just another name for a Cosmic Cube.
Avengers 41
Let Sleeping
Dragons Lie!
June, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by John
Buscema and George Roussos
Black Widow is trapped in the Far East in a device called
the Psychotron, which displays her deepest fears to her. Back at his lab,
Goliath takes delivery of the android Dragon Man. The villain Diablo is lurking
nearby and uses his alchemical mastery to turn a nearby building to gold. When
Goliath and Wasp investigate the building, Diablo sneaks into Goliath’s lab and
reactivates Dragon Man. Goliath battles the android, but loses. Wasp is knocked
out by Diablo’s Dyna-Disk. The rest of the Avengers show up to the battle as
well. Diablo turns the roof of the lab to gold, and the ceiling crushes the
Avengers. Diablo escapes with Dragon Man, taking Goliath and Wasp as his
Goliath: “Remember—the bigger they are—Nope—I can’t say
it! It’s just too hackneyed!”
Hawkeye, to Scarlet Witch: “I take back every crack I
ever made about your nutty hexes! They’re my favorite people!”
Diablo was supposed to be dead at the end of Fantastic Four 35, but he escaped drowning
through unknown means that he does not deign to tell Goliath.
Dragon Man was shut down by the Human Torch
using ultraviolet radiation in Fantastic
Four 47. It was left deactivated until this issue.
Diablo uses an Auric Ray, which turns items to
gold, but the effect is temporary. His Dyna-Disk shoots bolts or waves of
This is the first issue drawn by John Buscema,
who was prevalent through the Marvel line until the eighties and drew most of
their series for at least one issue. He was inducted in the Eisner Award Hall
of Fame in 2002.
Black Widow’s new handler in this issue is
Colonel Ling. No mention is made of what happened to the old one, but maybe
they just felt there were too many Chens.
Avengers 42
The Plan…and the
July, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by John
Buscema and George Roussos
The remaining members of the Avengers get the location of
Diablo’s castle from the Fantastic Four, but turn down their assistance. We
find that Diablo intends for Goliath, as a biochemist, to help him bring to
life an entire army of Dragon Men androids. He has kept the Wasp hostage
elsewhere as leverage on Goliath. The Avengers tap into Diablo’s video feed in
their aero-car and drop off Hercules at the cave where Wasp is guarded by
Dragon Man. The rest of the team goes to Goliath’s location, but Goliath battles
them to keep Wasp safe, not knowing that Hercules is going to rescue her. Once
this plan is revealed to him, all the Avengers turn on Diablo, who hides behind
a force field. Surprisingly Captain America is also behind the force field with
Diablo and captures him. Hercules also rescues Wasp, sending Dragon Man into
Scarlet Witch: “Must you treat everything lightly—even so
vital a mission as this?”
Hawkeye: “Listen, lady…nobody accuses Hawkeye of not
takin’ his Avengin’ seriously!”
- Diablo’s castle is located in Transylvania. Although he was born in Spain, during his long history of immortality, he settled in Transylvania for a time and was discovered there by the Fantastic Four trapped in a tomb in his first appearance.
- Captain America was able to follow the team due the trackers in their aero-car. He did so after defeating the Red Skull in his own series.
- This issue figures into the recent Age of Ultron story. It's the point where Wolverine and Invisible Woman travel back to kill Henry Pym. There is also an alternate cover to Age of Ultron 6 that features it.
Avengers 43
Color Him…Red
August, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by John
Buscema and George Roussos
Hawkeye turns up the Black Widow’s location overseas by
intimidating his underworld contacts. He invites Hercules along, so the two
heroes go to rescue her. They are able to fight through a group of soldiers,
but they also encounter Red Guardian, the communist alternative to Captain
America. He is able to defeat Hawkeye, and he tricks Hercules into the
Psychotron, where he is stuck battling illusions he thinks are real. Red
Guardian reveals to Black Widow that he is her husband, Alexi Shostakov, who
she thought was dead.
Soldier: “One of them is an Avenger! What a feat to
capture him alive!”
Hawkeye: “Waddaya know! Ol’ Hawkeye—a potential
propaganda victory!”
Captain America: “If all of us showed up behind the
Curtain, it might mean an international incident! The only sensible thing to do
is let Hawkeye stew in his own juice! Okay, Hank—you know what to do!”
Goliath: “Check! I’ll warm up the aero-car—for an
immediate rescue mission!”
Captain America: “You know it, big man!”
The letterer for this issue is Jerry Mann. This
is a pen name for Larry Feldman.
In this issue, Wasp turns 23 years old and gains
her full inheritance of three million dollars. Previously she had been living
off of $25,000 a year. In 2014 dollars, that’s $21,363,952 and a measly
$178,033 a year.
Quicksilver learns how to fly for short
distances when he vibrates his legs at high speed. Later writers seem to ignore
this talent for the most part.
This is the first appearance of a Red Guardian.
The identity will be used by various others over the years. This one uses a
small magnetically controlled disk as a weapon and belt buckle.
When Hercules is subjected to the Psychotron, he
is faced by the mythical Hydra. This shows that the stories of his labors were
actually part of history in the Marvel Universe.
Future Avengers
writer Brian Michael Bendis was born in this month.
Avengers 44
The Valiant Also
September, 1967
Written by Roy
Art by John
Buscema and Vince Colletta
The plan for the Psychotron device is to use it over long
distances on entire populations, causing chaos in the Western world. Now that
it is revealed her husband is alive, they release Black Widow and submit her to
a lie detector to make sure she is loyal to them, and she passes the test. The
rest of the Avengers arrive, and Captain America is separated from the group.
He and Red Guardian fight one-on-one, but the outcome is in doubt. Colonel Ling
electrifies the floor, shocking Captain America into unconsciousness. Red
Guardian is outraged because he wanted a fair fight. Hawkeye discovers his
prison has been tampered with and is able to escape. Black Widow moves to
sabotage the Psychotron, and Colonel Ling takes aim at her. Red Guardian
intercepts the bullet to protect his wife. Hawkeye bursts in and deflects
Colonel Ling’s second shot, but the Black Widow is still injured at the same
time she successfully destroys the Psychotron. The Avengers and their allies
escape as the base explodes.
Scarlet Witch: “When those caught in the trap are
Avengers, the hunters have a way of becoming the hunted!”
Captain America: “From what I’ve pieced together, I owe
my life to…the Red Guardian! Strange…we were born to clash…yet there was an
invisible bond between us! We fought on different sides…but each by his own
code! And for that code, the man named Alexi was willing to die!”
This is the first Avengers inking job for Vince Colletta. Although he was appreciated
for his ability to ink art quickly to meet deadlines, he was also rumored to
sometimes erase portions of the artist’s pencils to make the inking go faster.
A letter writer in this issue complains that six
Avengers plus the two hangers-on are too many characters for a super team, so
perhaps there was some fan pressure to keep memberships small.
Alexi Shostakov was originally a test pilot who
was supposedly killed while piloting an experimental rocket. In truth, he began
his Red Guardian training after his faked death.
In this retelling of her origin, Black Widow implies
the death of her husband drove her to become the Black Widow as an adult. Later
stories show that her training began when she was much younger and that her
marriage to Shostakov was arranged.
The Avengers take Black Widow to the closest
American hospital, which is in Hawaii.
Future Avenger Stingray first appears this month
in Tales to Astonish 95.
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